Sometimes you may have the urge to lift heavy weights, but it may potentially be a bit dangerous without a spotter. The beauty of the squat rack is that with proper placement of the safety mechanisms, you can do just about any exercise with very low risk of danger and without the assistance of a spotter.
A majority of gyms will have them and even the home exercise equipment market has a variety of options at a moderate price.
Step 1
Place the upper racking mechanisms at about shoulder height on each side. This is where you will place the bar in-between sets.
Step 2
Place the lower safety racks about an inch below the lowest absolute point that you wish to travel. Many lifters will lower themselves until the point where their thighs are parallel to the floor.
Now, place the safety racks about an inch below that point. Always do this prior to performing the exercise.
Step 3
Place the bar on the upper racking mechanisms and place the appropriate weight onto the bar. Make sure to use collars to secure the weight.
Step 4
This is where you now perform the exercise.
Shrugs, Bicep Curls and Upright Rows
Step 1
Here you will place the lower safety mechanisms about 2 inches below your hands if they were down at your sides.
Step 2
Place the upper racking mechanisms high enough so that you do not bump them while performing the exercises. You will not need them for these types of exercises.
Step 3
Now perform the exercise.