Your experience starting and sticking with a low-carb diet will probably be unique. Some people may not know how to cut carbs while others find it difficult to get started but can motivate themselves easily as soon as they start to see benefits.
Some start off strong but find it difficult to stay with their diet if they encounter challenges along the way or don’t get results immediately. You may not see and feel the benefits of a low-carb diet until you’ve hit on your body’s proper and particular carb level.
That’s not to say you won’t start noticing a difference in the way your body looks, feels, and moves as you start eating low-carb. You just have to figure out what you will need to feel great about your plan and stick with it long term.
Here are 10 tips on the best way best to cut carbs, face low-carb challenges, and stay motivated as you work toward reaching your goals.
Staying hydrated is one of the best ways that you can care for your own body. While you’ll definitely have to avoid dehydration if you’re exercising regularly, even mild dehydration can affect everything from the skin to gut health.
Fantastic hydration is vital to promoting regular digestion. Since low-carb diets can cause constipation, making sure you’re getting enough fluid each day is essential.
Water should be your option for hydration. In addition to the potential for negative effects of sugar on your health, sweetened drinks usually offer very little, if any, nutritional value.
Avoiding sugary beverages like soda and energy drinks is especially important if you are trying to cut carbs. Selecting water will also help you avoid adding extra calorieseither from the beverage itself or overeating later.
When you reach for a sweet drink instead of a meal or snack when you are truly hungry, you’re unlikely to feel satisfied and may fill up on”empty calories.”
Eat Your Veggies
When you first start a low-carb diet, one of the food groups you are going to stock up (and fill up) on is non-starchy vegetables, such as greens, sprouts, cauliflower, avocado, and mushrooms.
Not all vegetables are created equal on a low-carb diet, however: Restrict veggies high in starch, such as potatoes and corn, which are best enjoyed with small portions and in moderation.
More Healthy Fat
The idea of a”diet” is not usually synonymous with”eat more fat,” but when you are reducing your carb intake, you will need to make up those calories and nutrition elsewhere. One of the most satisfying and nutritional ways is to add healthy fats.
Diet goals aside, your body needs enough fat to function correctly; eating a diet that includes plenty of healthy fat is important to your overall health. Despite the fact that you may want to limit certain types of saturated fats in your diet, you don’t have to avoid all fat.
Pack Protein
As you are adjusting your carb and fat intake, don’t forget about protein. Protein-rich foods can help keep you fill and also offer many additional health benefits. Many sources of protein are also rich in amino acids, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients, such as:
- Eggs
- Greek yogurt
- Nuts and seeds
- Legumes, beans, and lentils
- Soy protein, tofu, and tempeh
- Lean meats, such as fish and chicken
Whether you experiment with adding more or change up your sources, The National Academy of Science recommends up to 35 percent of your daily diet come from protein.