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When you have a lifestyle where you sit most of the time, there are several problems that might end up happening One of the most notable issues is a problem with the lower back, which can be a bit painful at times. Thankfully, a few easy exercises can offer relief.

When you do them on a regular basis, these exercises can give you long-term relief from chronic lower back pain. Here are ten exercises we might recommend you use.

Take into consideration that these are just basic summaries.

1. Cat and Cow Pose

Attempt to lie on all fours and keep your back straight. Next, bend your spine outward and upward toward the ceiling. Hold this pose till you feel a stretch in your neck, then bend your back inward and downward till you feel a stretch in your lower back. Do this for about ten times.

2. Cobra Stretch

Lie in the prone position and keep your hands on either side of your chest. Make sure to keep your feet planted firmly on the floor and press into your hands as you push your upper body, from your chest to your head, upward. Hold this pose for a few seconds and then calmly lower yourself.

3. Prone Leg Lifts

This is similar to the cobra stretch, except that rather than lifting your upper body, you keep it planted firmly down. Keep your legs stretched out and close together, raise them in one continuous motion as much as you can, hold the pose, and lower your legs back to the ground.

4. Bridges

Bridges are very helpful if you want to strengthen your lower back. To perform a bridge the right way, lie down on your back and rest your outstretched arms by your side. Now, lift your hips off the floor, keeping your body from the head to the knees in a straight line. Hold and then lower.

5. Leg Stretches

Lie on your back with your knees raised upward and your feet flat on the ground. Now, raise your right foot up, loop a band or a towel around it, and calmly pull your foot toward your chest, keeping your right leg straight and unbent till you feel a stretch in your hamstrings.


Keep in mind that these stretches and exercises may offer relief just for the moment, but it’s always advisable to get yourself medically evaluated for chronic back pain.